Jedi Society

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Welcome fellow Jedi.

May the Force be with you.

Jedi Society welcomes you to our community!

About Us

This is the website of the Jedi Society. We are based in New Zealand, but are global, galactic and inter-galactic in outlook.

The Society was created to provide Jedi training, establish the Jedi community and assist with being at one with the Force.

The Society welcomes new members who want to follow the path of the Jedi.

Click here to find out more about the Society!

Click here to join or contact the Society!

Click here to support the Society!

Please join in and help make a Jedi Society online community! It will take a few days for it to be approved, so this is a patience training exercise.

Check out the update to the Collection!

If you want to contact the Society, please use this page.

Community Activities

A big shout out to You! Thanks for visiting! There is much to learn about the Jedi path.

Check out the links. Some more places with Jedi resources.

How is your meditation going? You know as Jedi we need to meditate. Here's a resource that can help.

In the mean time, here's a video: